Trafalgar Hall known as Garisson Hall formed part of the military compound of the British during their stay in Mauritius.
Prior to its renovation, Trafalgar Hall was an old wooden building located at corner St Vincent and Farquhar Road, Vacoas.
It is one of the few Government Institutions available for the preservation of local culture and its diffusion to the public.
The hall is mainly utilised for staging drama activities of this Ministry and is now known as the Serge Constantin Theatre.
Government is focussing special attention on the promotion of theatre and related activities, which is considered to be an
integral part of education for the full development of the individual.
Serge Constantin Theatre Hall
Serge Constantin Theatre Hall
Digital Sound Console Control Room( In the past) Digital Light Console
Contact Person
Q. Children A. Musical theatre productions at The 5th Avenue Theatre are generally suitable for ages 8 and up. Please, no babes in arms. We suggest this as a courtesy to others in the audience.
Q. What to Wear? A. We like to think of the theatre as a special occasion, but recommend above all that you dress comfortably. Attire generally varies from nice, casual clothes to formal wear.
Q. Emergency Phone Number A. Please call 6970679 and indicate the exact seat location (aisle, section, row, seat) with your sitter or service so we may easily locate you in the event of an emergency.
Q. Late Seating Policy A. Please arrive on time - productions begin promptly. Patrons arriving late cannot be seated until the first suitable pause in the performance. Theatre doors open 45 minutes prior to the performances; seating begins 30 minutes before curtain. We suggest arriving at least 15 minutes before your performance begins.
Q. Usher Equipped
A. Our highly trained ushers are at your service to greet you at the door, take your ticket, hand you a playbill and help you find your seat. If you experience any discomforts at the theatre, please allow an usher or our house manager to assist you.
Q. Cameras, Recorders, Beepers & Watch Alarms
A. The use of cameras or audio recording equipment is strictly prohibited,except upon special permission obtained. Please turn off beepers and watch alarms before the performance.
Q. Food & Drink
A. Refreshments are available at the canteen of the theatre prior to the performance and at intermission. Food and drink are not allowed in the auditorium.
Q. Lost & Found A. To enquire about lost items, please call (+230)697-0679 between 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday.
Q. Whether it rains or not, the show must go on A. Whether it rains,all scheduled performances will take place.
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